Monthly Archives: October 2013

Friend Makin’Monday: What If?


friend makin mondays

If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

What If?

1.  If you had something in your teeth would you want someone to tell you, or would you prefer to figure it out on your own?  Oh my word, please tell me!

2.  If you had to listen to one song on repeat all day today, which song would you choose?  When You Say Nothing by Alison Kraus

3.  If you could trade places with someone famous, with whom would you trade? Miranda Lambert.

4.  If you could speak another language fluently, which one would you speak?  Sign Language

5.  If you could read one person’s mind right now whose would you choose?  There are times when I wish I could actually read my husband’s mind…but really, that would probably not be a great idea. And then there are days when I need to read my kid’s mind….she likes to give me the silent treatment and I HATE that!!

6. If you were forced to go back in time, which period of your life would you choose?  This is such a hard one. I wish I could change some events and some people but I worry that if I could go back and change things I wouldn’t have what I have now. I love my daughter, but I sometimes wish I had never met her sperm donor. Instead, I wish my husband was her bio-dad. But if I change some of those things, I may not have the awesome daughter and husband. Quite the pickle.

7.  If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose?  General Hospital. shhhh. I have been watching this show for as long as I can remember.

8.  If you had to give up twitter or Facebook, which would you choose? No questions…twitter. I spend almost no time on twitter these days. But me and Facebook, we tight!

9.  If you could have a present today, what would you want? new clothes. I have just about everything I need but right now I am feeling icky about the weight I have gained back. I only feel icky because I don’t have clothes that actually fit. OR, books….lots of books!

10.  If you had to choose between celebrating Halloween or Christmas, which would you choose?    I love Christmas! I didn’t always but ever since my Q came into my life, I have just loved the holiday.


Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions!  Link up with Kenlie and let me know all about it!!  Happy Monday!


struggling and #rethinkyourday


I haven’t blogged much lately.

I haven’t been doing anything really blog-worthy.

You see, I have been struggling a lot this year.

Struggling to find my way.

Struggling to find my way in a sea of awesome people doing awesome things.

Struggling to find the way that would make me happy.

But you see the thing is….if I really think about it….I haven’t really been struggling…I think I have been stuck in a pattern of over-analysis paralysis.

It all started with a bit of stomach pains….or what I call, my gremlin.

  • I have been going to doctors and having procedures all to figure out what is going on with my stomach.
  • I completed the Whole30 in January and kept up with Paleo until my birthday in late February.
  • In March, my doctor told me to eat normal. My tests, at this point, were negative and doc wanted to see how I reacted.
  • More tests. More negative results.
  • finally, we hit a wall. No answers, still having issues.

The good new…its nothing scary. The bad news…I have no answers and that is also scary.

Scarier still…

  • 10.5 months later. No news. According to the doc, the only thing he can say is I have unknown stomach irritation.
  • I have yoyo’d my weight again.
  • I have let myself slip into a nasty funk.
  • I have been totally stuck. I can’t seem to make myself get out of own way, or to get my ass off the couch.
  • I am quite upset with myself.

I tried to fake it for a long time.

I think I even succeeded.

At least, I succeeded.

Ok, I succeeded in fooling myself.

So, what am I supposed to do now?!?

I am going to jump back on the horse, so to speak.

I am making no grand declarations. I am not even thinking about weight loss or marathons. In fact, I am thinking of things in a whole different light.

I am going to work on making ME feel better.

I am going to walk and practice yoga at every chance….why?!? because doing so makes me smile.  I am going to wear my pedometer and step my way to more and more steps each day.

I am going back to the beginning.  When I first started taking an interest in my health…weight loss and physical activity…it was all about making small changes. Those small changes add up.

I was so good at these small changes. Adding in extra steps. That was before I started comparing my progress with other. Before I started think I had to run half marathons like all my online friends were doing.

I am joining my Polar family with a challenge to #rethinkyourday because I need to rethink MY day!

It may be the best way to get me back in my own head.

And with that being said, I am going downstairs to use the school treadmill before I go help out the Color Guard (my daughter is in the high school marching band’s color guard) get their makeup on for tonight’s Halloween parade.

I will grab Pedro, my pedometer at start wearing Pedro (yep, my pedometer has a name) again.

I will rethink my day, will you #rethinkyourday?!?!


FMM: A New Season



friend makin mondays

If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

A New Season

1.  What is your favorite thing about Fall?  I am not so much a cold weather lover as a hater. I LOVE the heat of summer. But I do enjoy some parts of fall…..that cooler weather that makes me want to cuddle under blankets or in front of a fire in the back yard and read a book. Plus, I LOVE football season. Especially now that Q is in the marching band.

2.  It’s not Fall until…it is chilly enough to crave chili. and pork & sauerkraut. and pot roasts. Oh…and that first day when its cool enough for a hoodie…with my flip flops, of course!

3.  Apple cider or hot chocolate?  Both…it depends on my mood.

4.  Share a happy Fall memory.  Football games with friends in high school tops my list of fond Fall memories.

5.  Do you have any hobbies that are seasonally specific? If so, what are they?  my main hobby is reading, so not very seasonal. I do like to crochet and I tend to do more of that now that it is getting cooler.

6.  What do you miss most about Summer now that it’s officially over? Tank tops and bare feet. The older I get, the less I want to wear real shoes. As it gets colder, my birkenstocks and flip flops get pushed further back into my closet.

7. Do you prefer pumpkin pie or pecan pie?  pumpkin….but, last year I did taste my first ever pecan pie and I liked it.

8.  Do you suffer from allergies?  I am allergic to mold and mold spores. So the wet conditions of fall can give me headaches. FUN!

9.  How do you celebrate Halloween?  I never really cared one way or another about Halloween until I had my Q. Dressing up my baby was always fun. And she absolutely LOVES dressing up for Halloween and doing all the crazy zombie make-up especially. This Thursday, I get to go watch her march in a Halloween parade with her marching band. Did I mention this is the same parade I marched in way back when I was in my high school marching band?!?

10.  What is the biggest change that you expect to experience during this season?  I think I have already experienced it. My daughter started high school. Talk about a BIG change!!



Now its your turn!!

Answer the questions, either in the comments or on your blog. If you blog it, go leave a link with Kenlie!!