don’t you want to look better?


A post workout selfie!!

Last week, before the great allergy sickness took hold, I was at the gym after school on a Monday afternoon. It was a planned lifting day on lifting days I start with anywhere from 5-15 minutes on the elliptical. I love my time on the elliptical! Call me crazy but I like it! I also use the elliptical or treadmill on non-lifting days to get in extra movement because I sit way too much!

Well, anyway back to last week. I use the elliptical warm up time to warm up, braid/tie up my hair, check in on Facebook, look over my workout(when I lift, I usually bring my paper log ini with me) and then I peek around the gym to see what’s what. So, I’m doing my normal elliptical routine when one of the trainers comes up to talk. He’s nice, introduces himself and shakes my hand and tells me he’s one of the new trainers here at the gym.
Side note: I had a hard time not laughing at this boy and saying duh. He was wearing the black tank top ALL the trainers at the gym wear…it has bright yellow lettering.
I’m starting to feel this cold coming on so I’m sorta in a snarky mood so I say, “let me guess, you’re going to tell me how you have the answer and I should let you train me.”
“You’re going to tell me how you want it get me off this cardio machine and lifting weights, right?!?”
Trainer boy (I forget his name so he will be TB) smirked, he knew I had him. To be fair to him, he’s the second new trainer that has hit me up while I was cardio-ing. Nothing about either of these trainers instill any confidence that they can help me. They all want to get gym member to sign up for their FITX class or personal training hours. I am currently working my own plan but to be fair I asked TB what he could do for me that I couldn’t do myself.
He asks me, “don’t you want to look better?”
I responded before I could think with, “I already look awesome.”
I shocked myself with my response. I have mulled my statement over for the last week. I took the last week off from the gym recovering from my sickness (allergies or cold or both, who knows….sickness) and I haven’t been back or really active. But I have thought about that conversation with TB.
So I shocked myself….but is there truth in my statement?
Do I believe I look awesome?
Truth is…sometimes.
Do I believe I am awesome?!?
hell yeah! I am awesome!

I need to do some more work with what this all means. But I am awesome. Most days I believe it. Could I put more effort? Sure. But I have noticed that the more I take care of me, the more awesome I feel.
I am sure a trainer looks at me and sees an overweight women schlepping thru cardio. I must need your help to get skinny and happy. I guess to trainers at the gym I look like a dollar sign….because I must want to look better…..why else would I be at the gym?!?

I must look good….my husband is forever chasing me around trying to “get some.”
Funny, it took a rude question from a stranger for to realize I already know the answer

I already look good!!
I already look better!!

So do you!!!

6 responses »

  1. You are awesome, Jen! I need to start lifting again, either NROLFW or tough mudder, but I’ve thought about seeing how much a personal trainer would cost. I need someone going all Bob Harper & Jillian on my ass.

  2. Haha.. awesome comeback to the trainer!! 🙂

    I always have to take a step back in my own life and try not to judge people.. I scoff at the ladies who spend all that time on the elliptical 😉 But maybe they, too, are just using it as their own personal time to warm-up.. totally different perspective.

    I judge people at the grocery store, too.. it’s bad..
    Then one day my Granny sent me shopping and my basket was loaded with things I would never buy myself (chips, soda, hot dogs, Country Crock).. and man, what did people think when they looked into my cart? I’m trying to get better.. 😉

    Anyway.. this was a great post. 🙂

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